Selasa, 08 November 2011



By                                          : Imam Al Rozy
Title                                       : BIG MOMMAS LIKE FATHER LIKE SON
Genre                                    : Action Comedy
Date of release                    : 2011
Duration                               : 1:42:56
Production house                : 20 th Century Fox
Director                                : First director                  : WILLIAM PAUL CLARK
                                                Second director              : JUANA FRANKLIN
Cast                                       : MARTIN LAURENCE as Malcolm / Big momma
                                                  BRANDON  T. JACKSON as Trent / charmaine
                                                  JESSICA LUCAS as Haley           
                                                  TONY CURRAN as Chircoff ( The criminal )
Review                               :
Big Momma is a film which told about the struggle of an undercover FBI agent and his son in the exhibition of posters of  traffickers. Any evidence of the criminal organization is contained in a FLASH DISK and the FLASH DISK is hidden in the school of art of a woman in Russia. 
The school was banned man approached remain there at least a secret agent and his son should be disguised as a woman. Father disguised himself blind woman, called Big Momma and his son becoming pass through his niece. They struggled to find the Fund. 
Finally, the Fund was found by his son and the son’s girl friend named Haley, but knowing that their crimes syndicate groups will be displayed so try to grab from the hands of the son of FLASH DISK agents of the FBI.
Finally ,The fight cannot be avoided, but the battle already won by the undercover agent of the FBI with his son. Eventually, criminals in prison and a secret agent and his son can continue their lives in peace without the dangerous task.  
In my opinion this film is good. Because many messages that we can get from this film such as the compactness between father and his son. And each characters have full and total comprehension.


review film


By                                : Imam Al Rozy
Title                             : BIG MOMMAS LIKE FATHER LIKE SON
Genre                          : Action Comedy
Date of release           : 2011
Duration                      : 1:42:56
Production house        : 20 th Century Fox
Director                       : First director             : WILLIAM PAUL CLARK
                                          Second director     : JUANA FRANKLIN
Cast                             : MARTIN LAURENCE as Malcolm / Big momma
                                      BRANDON  T. JACKSON as Trent / charmaine
                                      JESSICA LUCAS as Haley       
                                      TONY CURRAN as Chircoff ( The criminal )
Review                                    :
Big Momma is a film which told about the struggle of an undercover FBI agent and his son in the exhibition of posters of   traffickers. Any evidence of the criminal organization is contained in a FLASH DISK and the FLASH DISK is hidden in the school of art of a woman in Russia.
The school was banned man approached remain there at least a secret agent and his son should be disguised as a woman. Father disguised himself blind woman, called Big Momma and his son becoming pass through his niece. They struggled to find the Fund. Finally, the Fund was found by his son and the son’s girl friend named Haley, but knowing that their crimes syndicate groups will be displayed so try to grab from the hands of the son of FLASH DISK agents of the FBI.
Finally ,The fight cannot be avoided, but the battle already won by the undercover agent of the FBI with his son. Eventually, criminals in prison and a secret agent and his son can continue their lives in peace without the dangerous task.
            In my opinion this film is good. Because many messages that we can get from this film such as the compactness between father and his son. And each characters have full and total comprehension.


Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

bahasa inggris tugas lagi cuy.... hore...

                                                                         OSK TO OSN
                    75 genius students from each kind of lesson in Pamekasan regency was compete for get a best places in OSK ( Regency Sains Olympiad ). This copetition held once a year.

                    OSK was have some kind of lesson there are physic, mathematic, biology, chemistry, informatic, astronomy and economy. OSK held once a year, if some one get one until three position in OSK they have the right to compete OSP ( Province Sains Olympiad ) then from each province take the best participant for follow the most pastigious olympiad OSN ( National Sains Olympiad ). But to get the best place in this olympiad not a simple work, the students must be study hard and often do the question from they teacher or from the other source.

                  Mohammad Noer, a 16 year old studen which follow the competition said “ I choose chemistry in this OSK, when I do the OSK question I feel happy because the question are very interesting for me, and I sure I can get a best place in OSK because I alredy prepare my self with study hard and do the question which my teacher give for me”.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011


1. Stewardesses adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik di keyboard hanya dengan menggunakan tangan kiri Anda. Sedangkan untuk tangan kanan, lollipop adalah yang terpanjang.

2. Tidak ada kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang bersajak/berima dengan month, orange, silver, purple, angst dan scalp.

3. Dreamt adalah satu-satunya kata bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan huruf ‘mt’.

4. Kalimat The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog menggunakan setiap huruf yang ada dalam abjad.

5. Kata racecar, kayak dan level dapat dibaca bolak-balik dari kiri ke kanan ataupun dari kanan ke kiri.

6. Hanya ada empat kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan suku kata ‘dous’, yaitu: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous dan hazardous.

7. Ada dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kelima huruf hidup secara berurutan (a, e, i, o, u), yaitu: abstemious dan facetious.

8. Typewriter adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik menggunakan huruf-huruf yang terdapat pada satu baris tombol keyboard (baris QWERTY).

9. Huruf yang paling sering dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris adalah huruf ‘e’. Ini merupakan fakta baik dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris secara umum, dalam karya fiksi dan non-fiksi, jurnalisme, kitab suci dan bahkan kode Morse!

10. Untuk huruf konsonan, huruf yang paling sering dipakai adalah huruf ‘t’.

11. Huruf yang paling sedikit digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah ‘q’ – bukan ‘z’.

12. Lima huruf yang paling sering muncul sebagai huruf pertama dalam kata bahasa Inggris – secara berurutan – adalah ‘t’, ‘o’, ‘a’, ‘w’ dan ‘b’.

13. Hampir setengah dari seluruh kata bahasa Inggris diakhiri oleh huruf ‘e’, ‘t’, ‘d’ dan ‘s’.

14. The adalah kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Bila Anda tidak percaya, cobalah berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris standar yang benar selama 5 menit tanpa menggunakan kata ‘the’.

Semoga bermanfaat... tentang tulisan fakta unik bahasa inggris ini.

my house is my paradise

My house
                My house is near Talang beach. My house is interesting for me. I have many unforgettable experience in my house.
My house is located in Kaduara Barat village. My house is near Pamekasan and Sumenep border. My house is border of road, if you take a ride a minibus, you just say want to go down in Mr. Ros weld to the conductor. Then you just take a walk about ten meters and you can found a red white gate. So, that’s my house. My house gate is white and red, so that like Indonesian flag. Actually the gate is not just my gate but mine and my neighbor gate.
My house size is 9 x 12 meters. There are 12 rooms. Like as 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a musholla, a kitchen, a garage, a living room and a family room. If you look in front of my house you can see a musholla in left side, a garage in center, and a driving room in right side. If you enter to my house you can see a family room, my room in left side then my sister’s room in the north of my room. Then the north of my sister’s room is a warehouse, in the north of a ware house is a kitchen. In front of the kitchen we can see two bathrooms and in the south of bathrooms is my parent’s room.
Besides of my house is my grandmother house. In front of my house there are many trees like as mango tree, palm tree, flowers tree, avocado tree, banana tree,  star fruit tree and look very cool. I am very happy have house like that. I can undergo this life there. 
Note for picture 1.1  :
1.       1. Musholla
2.       2.Garage
3.       3.Living room
4.       4.Family room
5.       5.My sister’s room
6.       6.My room
7.       7.Warehouse
8.       8.Kitchen
9.       9.Bathroom
10.   10.Bathroom
11.   11.My parent room
12.  12. square with yellow line is My grandmother house

13.   13. 2 long squere in right side is Gate